If you have found yourself weighted down with an overwhelming amount of debt or you are on the edge of financial ruin, bankruptcy is just one of many options you can pursue to get relief. The first step in filing for bankruptcy is determining whether or not you qualify for Chapter 7. Not every person will be eligible for this form of bankruptcy. Those who are not eligible can file Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is the form of bankruptcy which will allow you to clean your financial slate and get a fresh start, allowing you to discharge your unsecured consumer debt. No matter what unfortunate circumstances brought you to the point of considering filing for bankruptcy, Chapter 7 is a way to alleviate your financial difficulties and regain control of your life.

To find out if you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it is advised that you meet with a skilled bankruptcy attorney at our firm as soon as possible so we can help you with the process. The first step is the “means test.”

The means test is designed to determine whether or not you have the means necessary to repay your outstanding debt.

If you do not have the means necessary to repay your debts within a reasonable amount of time, you could have your unsecured and other eligible debts eliminated through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. From the moment you file for Chapter 7 an automatic stay will be in place to prevent creditors and others from attempting any further collection efforts. This action alone will help give you some much needed stress relief and a peace of mind you may not have realized was possible. To discuss your legal options and to find out if you qualify to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy contact a Marietta bankruptcy attorney at Blevins & Hong for legal assistance from an attorney who will help you get the most out of your filing.

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Soo Hong
Soo has helped hundreds of clients with their financial hardship by zealously representing them and advising them with the best options to rebuild their credit. She has represented clients from simple Chapter 7 cases to complex business Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases.