Landlord Advocacy and
Dispute Resolution Services

Protecting Landlord Rights in Cobb County: Your Dedicated Partner in Tenant Disputes

  • Are you a landlord needing help to evict a tenant who has failed to pay rent or violated lease terms?

At Blevins & Hong, PC, we specialize in representing both commercial and private landlords throughout the metro Atlanta area in housing disputes. Attorney Soo Hong is dedicated to assisting landlords with evicting non-compliant tenants and resolving any lease violations.

Comprehensive Services for Landlords

At Blevins & Hong, PC, we understand the unique challenges landlords face when dealing with difficult tenants. Our comprehensive services are designed to protect your rights and ensure a smooth resolution to any landlord-tenant dispute. Our services include:

  • Eviction Proceedings: We handle the entire eviction process, from filing the initial dispossessory claim to representing you in court and ensuring the eviction is carried out efficiently.
  • Lease Violations: We provide legal support for landlords dealing with tenants who have violated lease terms, whether it’s non-payment of rent, property damage, or unauthorized occupants.

Dispossessory Proceedings Explained

Eviction proceedings, also known as Dispossessory actions, are handled in the State Court of the County where the rental property is located. The process begins with the landlord filing a dispossessory claim against the tenant. Here’s a detailed look at the process:

  1. 60 Days Notice: The landlord must serve the tenant with a 60 days notice to leave.
  2. Filing the Claim: The landlord initiates the process by filing a dispossessory affidavit with the court, stating the grounds for eviction.
  3. Serving the Tenant: The Sheriff’s Office or a private process server delivers a copy of the proceeding to the tenant.
  4. Tenant Response: The tenant has 7 days from the service date to file an Answer. This response can include defenses against the eviction.
  5. Court Hearing: If the tenant files an Answer, a court hearing is scheduled where both parties can present their case. If the tenant does not respond, the landlord can request a default judgment.
  6. Writ of Possession: If the court rules in favor of the landlord, a Writ of Possession is issued. This document authorizes the landlord to evict the tenant.
  7. Execution of the Writ: The landlord can then proceed with the eviction, often with the assistance of law enforcement to ensure it is carried out smoothly.

Benefits of Our Services for Landlords

Choosing Blevins & Hong, PC for your landlord-tenant disputes offers several advantages:

  • Expert Legal Guidance: Our team has extensive experience in landlord-tenant law and can navigate the complexities of the legal system on your behalf.
  • Efficient Resolutions: We strive to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, minimizing the disruption to your rental operations.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: By avoiding prolonged legal battles through mediation and settlement, we help you save on legal costs.
  • Protection of Rights: We are committed to protecting your rights as a landlord and ensuring you receive fair treatment under the law.
  • Peace of Mind: With our professional legal support, you can focus on managing your properties without the stress of handling disputes on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does the eviction process take? The timeline for eviction can vary, but it typically takes several weeks to a few months from filing the dispossessory claim to executing the writ of possession, depending on the tenant’s response and court scheduling.
  2. What should I include in a lease agreement to protect myself as a landlord? A robust lease agreement should include clear terms regarding rent payment, maintenance responsibilities, occupancy limits, and procedures for handling lease violations. Our attorneys can help draft or review your lease to ensure it is comprehensive and enforceable.
  3. What if the tenant damages my property during the eviction process? If a tenant damages your property, you may be able to recover the costs through their security deposit or by filing a separate legal claim for damages. Our team can guide you through this process.
  4. How can I avoid tenant disputes in the future? Proper tenant screening, clear communication, and well-drafted lease agreements are key to minimizing disputes. We can provide advice on best practices for managing your rental properties effectively.

At Blevins & Hong, PC, we are committed to safeguarding your rights as a landlord and ensuring a smooth and efficient eviction process. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your landlord-tenant disputes in Cobb County and the greater metro Atlanta area.



Monday – Firday 8AM – 5PM
Saturday Appt Only
Sunday Closed