One-on-One Attention
Nothing is worse than being seriously injured in an accident and hiring a lawyer who couldn’t care less about your case. Your personal injury attorney should show genuine concern for your situation and for the outcome of your claim. Unless you are able to obtain a fair settlement or verdict to cover your damages, you could experience serious financial hardship or even face bankruptcy. Avoid the horrors of an impersonal Marietta personal injury lawyer by contacting the offices of Blevins & Hong, P.C. right away. Our team prides itself on its’ one-on-one approach and can provide a caring lawyer who will invest their full attention and energy into handling your case.
Every time you visit our Marietta offices, you will be able to have a one-on-one meeting with an attorney. Your case will not be handed off to a paralegal or a less experienced associate, and you will never be denied a meeting with an attorney. Our firm focuses on the needs of the client and will do its best to provide the support that you need. We have well over a decade of combined experience and can answer any personal injury questions you may have. We have also succeeded in recovering millions for past clients and we can maximize your compensation, as well.
Do not wait another minute to contact a personal injury lawyer from Blevins & Hong, P.C. All personal injury claims have a time limit under the statute of limitations, and waiting to retain an attorney can make it more difficult to preserve evidence so that you can establish negligence and liability. Contact our firm today or fill out our online evaluation form to find out what we can do to recover your damages.
Marietta, Georgia has many practicing personal injury lawyers. A personal injury lawyer is a law professional who specializes in assisting people get compensation for wrongful death or injuries. Through the fault of other people or negligence of the same, people get physical and emotional injuries that limit their quality of life, their ability to earn income, as well as their ability to take care of their loved ones. Incidences that result in personal injuries or death include but are not limited to auto accidents (car, motorcycles, trucks, bicycles), construction site accidents, consumption of faulty products, use of faulty equipment, professional negligence, workplace incidences and unsafe public/ private grounds.
The role of a Marietta personal injury lawyer
Injuries, whether physical or emotional, not only limit a person’s ability to enjoy life or make a living for himself/ his family, but also limit the ability to pursue justice/ compensation for those injuries. Death, on the other hand, is a different situation all together. Dead people leave suffering family members, who (the victim’s dependents) are forced to pursue compensation for wrongful death. Marietta personal injury lawyers assist people with the claims compensation procedures. The lawyers may help victims/ victims’ relatives collect helpful evidence, represent the victims in negotiations with culprits, and represent victims during court hearings. Since each of the above processes is time and money consuming, not to mention requires a lot of expertise, these lawyers dedicate all their resources to help their clients navigate the justice system, and get compensated.
Personal injury lawyers’ fees
Legal representation is viewed as one of the most costly services, and it is no wonder most people do not attempt to seek such help; even when its outcome could work out perfectly for them. Most Marietta personal injury attorneys charge reasonable fees. Some even cater for all the claims’ pursuit expenses, and only charge the clients if and when the clients get the compensation. Thanks to Marietta laws, lawyers can only take a percentage of the compensation clients receive.
Standard procedure to seeking compensation claims
The population should understand a few key issues to a successful compensation claims case. A standard procedure for an accident that results in injury or death starts with first aid, data collection, data preservation and reports of the incident to various relevant authorities. Victims or their dependents should, then, contact a Marietta personal injury lawyer for advice on the best course of action to take for best chances of getting compensation. As aforementioned, the lawyer might contact the incident’s culprits to negotiate for compensation, failure to which a legal case is launched. Court hearings require the presentation of evidence of the incident and burden of proof to award compensation.
Examples of cases that personal injury lawyers handle
Road accidents
Roads happen to be some of the places where a majority of Marietta’s population get injured or killed. Common road accidents comprise collision of vehicles, vehicles veering off the road, pedestrians getting knocked down by vehicles, accidents involving motorcycles and vehicles and heavy duty vehicles’ accidents among others. Victims should move off the road, get first aid if necessary, get urgent medical attention, collect sufficient details about the scene of accident and report the accidents to the police. Personal injury lawyers’ burden lay in proofing the victims injuries/ death, thereby, justifying favorable compensation.
Professional malpractice or negligence
Medical professionals (doctors, surgeons, nurses, dentists, dermatologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, etc.), care takers, security guards and hoteliers comprise some of the professionals whose actions or negligence can result in personal injuries or death of their clients. Victims can pursue compensation for injuries caused by these professionals’ malpractice negligence. A personal injury lawyer stands a better chance of winning a client’s cases against the lawyers/ insurers of those professionals.
Faulty/ harmful products
Substandard products, whether consumable products (food items, skin products, drugs, etc.), or equipment, have been causes of injuries or the death of users. The producers/ manufacturers of such products should be held accountable for injuries or death resulting from the use of such products, if and when ample warning or manual for use was not provided. Lawyers can help clients proof their cases, hence get compensation.
Construction site incidences
Construction sites are highly potential grounds for minor, as well as fatal accidents. People can get injured or killed by falling or misplaced construction materials/ equipment, heavy lifting and inhalation of toxic fumes, construction materials or unclean air. Workers, passersby, property owners and any other group of people that frequent the construction site are exposed to a variety of risks. If and when injured or killed at such sites, they should receive compensation.
A personal injury lawyer is an important professional whose services can boost accident/ death victims’ chances of getting compensated for their injuries. Some lawyers’ fees are on a no-win no-fee basis; meaning clients only pay a percentage of their compensation once their cases have been won. Collection of data and report of the accidents to relevant authorities comprise initial, but important, processes that can steer a compensation case towards a win.
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