Cobb County Bankruptcy Debt Relief

Overwhelmed with debt? Call us today at 678-354-2290

Discharging Tax Debt

Settle Your Tax Obligations With The Help Of Experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys

Are you looking to discharge tax debt? Ignoring tax payments can result in costly legal woes. While it is tempting to turn a blind eye on the matter, things have a tendency to catch up on you in the form of a levy or a lien. Then it will be impossible to ignore as the problem has been compounded by the mounting penalties and the threat of further sanctions by the IRS. A seasoned attorney such as Bankruptcy attorney Soo Hong should talk to the tax authorities on your behalf.

Anyone who is having difficulties because of delinquent taxes should not lose hope. There are multiple solutions to the dilemma depending on the situation. Debt relief options including Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 can be called upon in various ways. If the overdue taxes are more than 36 months old, then they may be discharged by filing for bankruptcy. The case will be subjected to review and the payment will likely be modified to reflect the current financial capacity. Whatever the specifics that led to this point, a seasoned legal counsel will be able to find avenues for relief.

Give us a call and we will gladly arrange an initial consultation at no charge. We at Blevins & Hong will sit down with you to talk about your concerns and hammer out legal strategies to remedy them.

We Are Your Partners in Solving Tax Issues

It is never easy when you are dealing with the IRS and other tax authorities. You need people on your side that can protect your interests and negotiate on your behalf. Experienced tax lawyers will be able to answer your questions and guide you throughout the process of discharging tax debt. They will also ensure that repayment schemes for standing tax obligations will be reasonable given your current financial standing. This is exactly the service that lawyers in our firm have been successfully providing for countless clients throughout the years.

Waiving unsecured bills is a crucial step in regaining financial health. It can be done through bankruptcy, as well as alternative means of dismissal. Once these debts are off the table, a person will be in a better position to pay taxes old and new. Debt relief is always a priority for lawyers who wish to help their clients break free from their tax woes. Aside from filling for discharge, lawyers will also attempt to negotiate a settlement with the IRS or file for bankruptcy if such a move is warranted.

The Bankruptcy Court, should it grant the filing, will direct the IRS to accept a repayment scheme that tilts more to your favor. However, this is only the start of a drawn out process.

We at Blevins & Hong have the experience and expertise to ease your burdens and settle all your tax obligations. Call us today at 678-354-2290



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